Saturday, February 21, 2009

The death of his youth...

The interesting thing about the death of one's youth is that we know when it will happen. We can plan for it. In Adam's case, it will occur on February 26th, 2009...on his (gulp) 30th birthday. Let us all take time to reflect on his youth, and remember the good time that we had with it. Please, add your comments and memories of his youth so that we can all mourn the loss of it together. Let us also remember that with the passing of his youth comes the birth of his old age, which is sure to be filled with wonder, adventure and good times! Let's be honest, he may be old, but he's still hip!


  1. I remember visiting Adam in Thailand and of the highlights of the trip and one of my best surprises to date was when we (meaning my husband Bryan, sister Kristen and her four month-old daughter Eliza, Holly, Adam and their four month-old daughter Olivia) made a stop on the way to our motel to drop Adam off so he could do some work. Adam was doing some photography and website design for the J.W. Marriott in Phuket. As we got out of the taxi to stretch our legs and enjoy the scenery of the gorgeous hotel, Adam directed the bellmen to take OUR bags inside...and we slowly came to the realization that we were going to stay at the gorgeous 5-star resort. Adam and Holly had arranged everything and our stay was thanks to Adam's work. It was such a wonderful surprise, including a delicious Thanksgiving day brunch. I'll never forget it. It was so many years ago now, though, when Adam was much, much younger...

  2. This could be embarrassing for Adam, but I can remember when he was sitting in a carseat on the counter top! He was seriously one of the cutest babies ever. Very happy, very jovial like he is now too!
    Adam was perpetually outside with his friends or Drew roaming the hills. I hate to put it in print, but I can't forget the day they came home and Adam had ripped his arm wide open falling out of tree. Ugh .... a little grewsome... though just the beginning of a few more experiences that prove he will not let fear stop him from living an adventurous life.
    I also want to acknowledge Adam for his tireless contribution to our family by being the computer go-to-guy for everyone and their kids, cats, dogs, etc. When Drew died I remember he stayed up a couple nights in a row to work nonstop on getting Drew's memorial website up. Not only did he get it done, it was beautiful and amazing and he made an entire movie of Drew's life that will be watched for decades to come. What a brother!
    Adam is also a favorite at our house especially with my daughters. Even though we don't see him in person that often, they remember him and how fun he is. He's the first uncle for them to come up with whenever I say... my brother...
    Well, Adam say goodbye to the 20s!

  3. Adam, don't worry, you're not that old. I say this mainly because I'm a few months older than you, and I don't want to worry. If we reassure each other, we can make it through this 30-something-ness.

    After reading your facebook notes about your many accidents, and having witnessed a few myself, I'm glad you made it. I'm looking forward to sharing our mid-live crisis together in a decade or so. Happy birthday.

  4. Through marriage into the Olsen family (for both of us), I feel like I truly gained a new brother in Adam. Holly and Adam have been the only married couple we have been roommates with, and we couldn't have picked a more agreeable couple to share a house with for the few short months that we did so. Adam and I have been in a perpetual fat camp together ever since our low-carb circus in 2004. I have admired Adam's determination to slowly but surely be more healthy with the no sugar thing. Good job! I appreciate Adam's humor, he is very good at putting other people at ease. Adam and Holly started their marriage at the same time Flicks Club started as a family business. After a while Wade and I took it over as our baby, but I always appreciated the concern and hard work Adam was willing to offer even across the seas. When Flick's turned into Timeline (which Adam was an owner) and then Timeline merged with Adam's design company...making Adam the biggest owner of Advent (ugh too many businesses) anyway, I couldn't think of who deserved it more (the biggest piece of the pie that is). As far as being a stupid kid who almost cut off his leg, got in accidents, nearly appears he grew out of that many years ago and before Holly entered the picture. So in that sense, maybe it's good that Adam is getting older (and wiser).

    Another thing about Adam, he has potty humor. If anyone says poo he will giggle. (Poo is said a lot with kids and diapers). Grow up already!

    Happy B-day geiser.

  5. A brother in law is hungry. Nothing is prepared. No one's taking him out to dinner. Order a pizza? GAH! Make something himself? PISH! Looks like it's going to be toast...

    But suddenly, a light at the end of the tunnel! Adam emerges, a tasty pasta dish taking form in his brain. He raids the cupboard, the fridge, works his magic and presto! Bryan is fed. Bryan is FULL!

    So, well done Adam! Oy, now I'm hungry. And you're not HERE NOW to make me something to eat! This is a disaster...

    Happy Birthday.

  6. This is a sad day. The youth part of Adam was down right enjoyable. There are the great injury memories like the tree/arm one or the car/leg one, or the wicked cool ski/collar bone one...but the non-injury ones were fun as well. Like jumping on the tramp for hours while listening to "Red, Red Wine," or watching Condor Man in the basement, or making a flatulent tape recording (I still wish I knew where that went). Remember that snake we found and Dylan threw a rock at it and we tried snake-first aid, and eventually decided it would be better off in snakey heaven? You also had this thing were you were suppose to tug on your ear to make you less hungry. Did that really work? I think you were one of the first people I remember meeting, like 25 years ago. Holy crap, you are really old.'s to ya.
    Happy Birthday.
    Time to buy a Harley.

  7. Yeah! Adam is turning 30! Woo Woo! I wish I wasn't a year ahead of you on this one. Adam, what can I say? I have a feeling you won't remember one of my fondest memories of you but that's OK. First, let's start off with the fact that you and Holly are only married because you met at a party that I was hosting along with my great roomies (Val, Leslee, and Daisie) for the holiday season! Do you remember that? I knew there would be a great purpose that that shin-dig. I just didn't know what! Anyways, back to my fave memory. You came over to our dingy apartment around that same time and you were playing the guitar. For some reason I convinced you to write a song about me and then boom, you just started playing and singing a song about me. I don't remember a word you said but I thought I was super cool at that moment in time :) Truly, I think everything about you is marvelous and I am so glad that you and Holly got married so you can also have some part in my life too. Happy Birthday Adam. I hope it's a great one!

  8. Hi Dear!

    So the big A is turning 30 huh? I went to the blog and could not post my comments, so please wish him a happy birthday from us. Oh, and tell him that in spite of the rumors, it really doesn't hurt at all!

    And how are you and what are you doing these days? We're in Dallas right now on our way back to Riyadh from a visit with Kress and Co. They're doing great and the babies are so much fun. I bet your mother loves having you near. What's Adam doing these days? Are you teaching? It's been such a long time since we've chatted.

    Take care and please wish Adam a Happy Birthday!

    Hugs, Beth

  9. My memory will be lame and sentimental. Sorry, Adam. I know that's not your style.

    My memory is not a single event, but rather the simple relationship that I had with Adam during his courtship of Holly. I was a sophomore-turning-junior in high school, and I thought Adam was a cool guy. He had a cool SUV, listened to cool music, and had cool hair. Not only was he in a band, but he had jumped Highway 89 off the backside of Beaver Mountain (something that I aspired to at the time.) I remember him updating me on his "progress" with my sister and how he showed me Holly's engagement ring before anyone else in the family. I really valued his friendship back I do now.


  10. Adam, Adam, Adam . . .
    Ours is a beautiful history! I was cautious and reserved in my adoration, and you were cautious and reserved in your ability to be comfortable around me. I have matured a lot since then because your spiked hair is now one of the things I love about you!! When your mom told me that you were just a big teddy bear, I decided to look past the red stalagmites on your roof and see the goodness within. And there is plenty of that!! Your willingness to help computer idiots like me (over and over again) is almost saintly. You are an excellent father, taking your turn at every parenting duty. I loved being with you when Olivia was born and seeing the joy in your face when she really did look like you. I love your laugh and your sense of humor, your music and your politics. You are the perfect fit for Holly and I love you! Oh let's see, I'm supposed to write a memory . . . I have the same joy of staying in the 5 star hotel in Phuket and it was glorious. But my funny memory is when Adam took our pictures for a passport to Cambodia. He thought the picture itself needed to be 1" by 1". Actually our faces were supposed to be 1" by 1", but when Adam made our Cambodian passport pictures our faces were about 1/4 inch wide and tall. When we got to the airport and had to go through the passport check station, the men at the table burst out laughing at our tiny heads. Thank you Adam for the chuckle.

  11. I had the distinct pleasure of having Adam in my science class at LHS. When he wasn't sleeping (and drooling) on his desk, he was busily doodeling on his assignments. But get him out of that stuffy, stifling classroom and Adam became quite animated and full of fun. It was on our wilderness forays that I got to know the real Adam, and must say the delight and pleasure I've found in his friendship and magnanimous character has enriched my life in many ways. Go Adam- I'm glad you were born!

  12. That last post was from Jack Greene :)

  13. Oops! The one before that was from my mom, and the one before that was from Jackson...but you probably figured that out.

  14. Oh Adam, My Adam,

    My first recollection of you is all mish-mashed up with Marshall and your collective musical talents. I recall that Holly had disengaged from her former interest, and I was pleased with that. The next thing I knew is that this spiky-haired red head is hanging around, quiet and unobtrusive. I have always trusted Holly’s judgment, and always recognized what a stunningly wonderful spirit she has. So when she confessed actually LIKING you, I simply accepted her feelings and moved with the flow. When things began to get serious, I recall pulling her aside and probing her a bit on her true feelings: “Are you sure he’s the right one for you?”

    Her answer was immediate and unequivocal. She was sure and certain. Hence, I was sure and certain. From that moment on, I had no doubts, no concerns, no hesitation (except possibly about the hair spikes).

    And Holly’s judgment has been vindicated. Both as a husband and a father, you’ve been the tops! I really mean that. You have been gentle, decent and good to my daughter, and gentle, decent and wonderful to my grandchildren. Olivia has been such a remarkably unique little soul that any other childrearing technique could have been disastrous. But with calm wisdom, you have helped corner, corral and control the sweetest little bundle of wonder and curiosity to come down the pike in a long time. Too heavy a hand might have crushed her little spirit. Too loose a hand might have sent her spiraling out of control. As it is, she is just a breath of divine sweetness. Between you and Holly, you have done wonders for her and Ruby to give us brilliant sparkles of life in grandpa’s world. And for that, I am eternally grateful. Thank you so much for the good man you are. You’ve made the first cut – and are still in the will. All my grateful love, Herm

  15. Sorry to send this to you so late..I tried to upload to the Blog but couldn't get it to work. Here's my contribution - hope it's a surprise for him!:

    DUDE, you are ancient. Which makes me prehistoric. But I have to say you maximized your 20's - finished a mission, got married to a great woman, graduated from college, had two cute kids, started a stinkin cool business, became a graphic designer, introduced italian-ish hair stylin' to Logan, lived in Asia, broke some skis, impersonated a woman, well..the list goes on. I'm sure there are some accidents to be added, but the achievements far outnumber the broken bones. You're not leaving much for your 30's!

    Of course, the years I thought were the best were when you and Holly moved to Thailand - when Nga and I were also there and Craig and Louisa. Those were the days of free weekends at the Marriott in Phuket, riding an old jeep around the island, foot massages, and talking design. One memory that sticks in my mind was when you were hired as the graphic designer to work for the project I was on. Everyone luuuved you and thought you were so funny and talented (which made them look at me like "what went wrong with the older brother?"). Of course you were talented - but that didn't stop Mr. Papiana from working you like a slave. As the deadline approached and the pressure to complete the website increased, he (and others) stood behind you at your temporary desk for entire days, requiring you to literally beg for a rare bathroom break. Lunch was out of the question. I remember a small crowd all leaning over as you tried to respond to 15 different requests for changes. I think that was when your hair started to stick up straight on its own. In the end the website was great and word of a new great designer spread...

    We're all looking for even greater things are you..mature.

    Cumpleanos Feliz! I hope you continue on your own unique, creative, helpful and hopefully less accident-prone path!

  16. I have many fond memories of Adam and his youth. His FaceBook list of 25 things sums up the many accidents nicely. But, he has always had a quite, yet mischievous way about him. He helped me capture my very first photograph. It was of his graffiti masterpiece/spray paint along the side of our house. (Turns out we couldn't match the paint the whole house had to be repainted). I also remember Adam and Drew (aka "the little boys") creating all sorts of havoc. One thing that saved his hide was his darling, angelic face. He was the cutest kid. Honestly...He could melt your heart.
    And then he grows up.....and still melts your heart.
    Adam is one of the funniest people I know. I could spend all day just hanging around him at the office listening to the banter and witty humor. He reminds me of our Dad.
    Lastly, I wish to share a great moment recently. While the group from the office were at lunch at Mandarin Garden's, our table was positioned next to the restrooms. Adam preceded to go into the restroom. Very shortly he we had noticed too..that he had gone into the Ladies Room. Ah, the smile and embarrassment was worth a million dollars that day. Thanks Adam!
    Farewell to the days of youth.....Hello to the next great adventure.
    You big sis, Jenny

  17. I always think of Adam as my "Dennis the Menace" little brother. Boy did he get away with murder! I could always count on Adam to find and eat my carefully hidden stash of easter candy or paint my bedroom in bright pink nail polish. These small offenses, however, were quickly overshadowed when he decided to take some spray paint and decorate the entire west side of the house. Good thing Adam was a cute little boy who would try to pin the blame on his little brother Drew. I never was sure who did what but they were true brothers in crime. I'm sure Adam will manage to continue harassing and picking on me well into his 30's. Happy Birthday Little Bro. Love, Stacy

  18. Adam's Nine Lives

    Just yesterday I rehearsed to a friend whose son was injured in a "out of control" skiing accident (backside of Beaver, and crashed trying to land over a 50 ft. cliff) some of Adam's near misses with death and disaster.
    I explained how Adam is legendary for escaping fatal accidents at least nine times, or is it more? However, since his well-fated marriage to Holly Olsen (our fantastic daughter-in-law), the near misses with death have greatly diminished. Thank you Holly!!!
    The most dramatic event was when Adam was just a few months old (4-5 months). He was not what you might call a frail child--weighing in at just under #10 at birth. But, nevertheless, he had a brush with death in a crib accident which was partly his mother's fault. I had not put the Porta-crib together very well after our move into our first new home in McLean, Virginia. A screw had slipped out in the bottom of the small Prota-crib and Adam was caught face down in the corner of the crib in the plastic bumper pad at a downward angle that trapped him from falling to the floor, but also cut off his ability to breathe. I had put him down for a nap just before noon and was downstairs getting lunch for the other six kids. He had cried for a few minutes, but then there was silence and I assumed he was asleep. Stacy, who was not quite two years old, went upstairs for something and called from the top of the stairs, "Adam fall!" I am not one to panic
    over things I don't understand, so I
    didn't run up the stairs to see what she was talking about. She repeated this a couple of times. As I got to the top of the stairs and looked in the bedroom (the crib was in our master bedroom) I could see what had happened and immediately ran in, picked him up out of the half collapsed crib, turned him over and could see he was a deathly color of blue. I screamed for the kids to call 911 and put my hand on his little chest. I could feel his heart was still beating, but knew he was not breathing. Instinctively, I put my mouth on his and breathed air into his lungs. After a couple of breaths, he took a gasp of air and began breathing again, but in a very erratic manner. One of the kids immediately called 911 for an ambulance and we waited in great anxiety for the paramedics to come. In the meantime we knelt around our king-size bed and said a prayer for help. When we finished, Laura said she had a strong feeling that Adam would be all right--an
    answer to our prayer that calmed us all down.
    A few minutes later, when the paramedics got there, Adam was breathing normally and seemed just fine. I was worried, of course, about him having brain damage, but so very grateful he was alive. After checking him over thoroughly, the emergency team said they could not find anything wrong, but could not tell if he had brain damage--that would not show up until later if it were the case, and then they left. We had him checked at the Dr.'s office a few weeks later and he got a clean bill of health. I worried a lot about this possibility for several years, but as you all can see, his brilliance and creativity were not affected adversely.
    As for the other accidents, which were not quite so life threatening, they include his fall out of a tree when he was just five or six which nearly severed his arm, a big gash in the top of his head from a falling rock during a rock climbing trip with friends, two bad car accidents (the first just a few hours after getting his license and resulting in a severe leg wound and a totaled car), another skiing at Beaver Mt.(this one actually involved another person who ended up in intensive care with multiple injuries), and some on his mission in Italy--of which Adam can share with you if he chooses--he didn't tell us about them until he was home safe and sound. Oh, did I miss the one where he nearly died having his tonsils out at Logan Regional Hospital--a case of mononucleosis so bad his tonsils were bleeding and the Dr. decided they needed to come out immediately. Apparently, the surgeon just missed the carotid artery in the process of taking them out
    (Adam had a lot of scar tissue from past tonsillitis episodes and a big abscess behind one of his tonsils from the current infection.) The Dr. was nervous about his recovery and sent him to intensive care for a day. And, again, we thanked the Lord for preserving his life for the ???? time.
    I have told him before and want him to know again, just how very special he is to us, how much we all love him (our own "Lovebus"), and that he must have some very important things to do here on earth for his guardian angel to have been so vigilant in trying to protect him and keep him here on this side of the veil.
    Dear Adam, Happy, Happy Birthday to a wonderful and beloved son. May your life continue to be preserved and your mission here unfold in an expansive and rewarding celebration of life. May you be happy and find joy amid all the stresses and trials life places before you and continue to serve in the capacities you are called to and feel needed in. Find time to ski (safely) and enjoy your wonderful little girls--all three of them!!
    We will love you always,

    Mom and Dad

  19. Some of the best things I remember about Adam was the day of Rubie's baby blessing. When we entered your house, I remember being in awe of the interior work in the house. The kitchen tiling on the splash board looked so good...the design was so well done and quite stunning. I knew that Adam had something to do with it for sure! Also I plainly remember the beautiful roses on the table that he had gotten for you...what a thoughtful husband! They were some of the most unique flowers I've ever seen, and they seemed fitting; Adam never does anything of consequence in a small way. With his talents and design skills, it seems that everything he touches turns into something more than the receiver or client would have imagined possible. In addition, he is such a fun and geniune personality. He is incredibly easy to be around.

    Before I ever met you guys, Josh had spoken so positively about Adam. I really looked forward to meeting him. I wasn't disappointed in the least! Adam was and is funny, talented, friendly, invititing, informed, and experienced in the adventures of the world!

    Josh's formative years were forever changed by the love, acceptance, and influence of his friends - and for that I am eternally grateful for Adam's specific role in Josh's life. It's easy to see why Josh loves Adam so dearly, and I am blessed to have Adam as a friend as well!

    Happy Birthday Adam!

    Amy Choate

  20. I remember one time when Adam and I were on our missions in Italy. We had just finished talking to an investigator when we discovered our bikes were about to be stolen! Adam went mental; he took of his tie and formed a rudimentary lasso. With a quick flick of his wrist followed by a Herculean tug he apprehended the would-be thieves. He then gave them the first discussion and within minutes they had joined the Church. Go Adam!

  21. Well, I have successfully waited long enough that a lot of great stuff has already been written about you and I can just say I agree, but I guess since Holly asked for memories I will add a couple - your Mom already mentioned the rock, I guess at that point you were used to injuries because you were much more calm than me as I tried to open the car door and drive you down the canyon while you were bleeding from the head. I also remember all the fun we had on the hill in back of your Hyde Park house - whether there was snow or not we found some fun way to get down the hill (or be thrown). Tons of great memories with you and Holly too - candy poker in the hotel in Jackson (and some of us eating Oreos) - movie nights before kids, you and Andy blowing up air mattresses with the help of Guy in Banff, and most recently here in England and Scotland. You are always so much fun and such an amazing person - thanks for so many years of memories, and Happy Birthday!

  22. The first time I met Adam was in the 7th grade. His locker was next to mine so we had some occasion to converse. My memory is that he was not very talkative, so it was something of a challenge for me figure out who this kid was. But I remember the feeling very well, I wanted to find out who he was. He was cool, I could tell that. And the few things he did tell me just made me more curious.

    It was not a long after that that Ben and Matt Jonson were talking to me (they were my neighbors). “Dude! Do you know Adam Smith, he’s in your grade, he’s very cool.” I replied something like, “Yeah, I’ve met him, he is cool.” They replied back, “Well you should hang out with him then”. Good advice on their part, but could I pull it off? It wouldn’t be until high school that that hanging out would eventually occur but all my suspicions would eventually prove true; Adam was an individual I wanted to know.

    Much more recently, I convinced a girl to marry me. It took me a little longer then some of my other “cooler” friends but I did it! I was especially excited for my new wife to meet some of my good friends, Adam of course among them. I’ll never forget what Amy said after the first time she we hung out with Adam, and of course Holly too at that point. “Well! That Adam sure is a cool cat! I really like him! How did you get such good friends Josh?” I knew Amy was experiencing for the first time the “Adam effect”. Webster’s dictionary defines the Adam Effect as:

    [ad-uh m i-fekt] –noun

    1. the feeling that there is something deeper than you can currently sense at the moment

    2. a sneaking suspicion that you are going to like what you find

    3. wonderment

    4. the realization that your current understanding of the universe has just been shattered

    5. the dizzying sum of everything you feel the first time you meet Adam Smith

    Over the years of Adam’s youth he has been an excellent friend. He thinks deeply and moves steadily. He’s laid back but there’s never a dull moment. Happy 30th birthday Adam! Thank you for all years of friendship. I keep a quote on my computer that I read from time to time that says “A man’s wealth consists in the number of people he loves and blesses and who love and bless him in return”. Adam has been a true source of wealth for me almost half my life at this point. I hope that I have been able to return that to him. If not, then we should schedule so more hang out time.

    Rest in peace, Adam’s youth, job well done. Welcome Adam’s maturity! We’re just getting started. There isn’t anything we can’t do now.


  23. oliviaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaftzxzcxgCÇ©≈xcasscdqjfde

    Olivia wrote the above by herself for you. She also want's to say, "Happy birthday, daddy!"

  24. For about 18 months in the early 1990s, Laura and I lived in Logan, Utah as we tried to figure out love, marriage and the finer points of navigating in-law relationships. Although I had known Laura's family since I was in jr. high school, it was at this time that I really got to spend time with them.

    One of the things that we all loved to do is play ultimate. One summer afternoon, we were playing with a few friends and lots of Laura's brothers and sisters on the quads at USU. It was a fun, competitive game. We were in the middle of it when suddenly the sprinklers went off at the far side of the field. If any of you know the Smiths, you will know that there is ONLY ONE response to sprinklers going towards it as fast you can. It was as if a switch had been thrown. All the Smiths suddenly stopped and started running towards the sprinklers. At the head of the pack was none other than our own Adam Smith.

    This is exactly what I love about Adam...his natural love for life and all that is fun. It is so great to see it. Despite his advancing years, I think he will always have that quality about him. Everytime I see him, I still see that little boy running towards the clarion call of the sound of sprinklers going off in the distance.

    Cheers to you Adam....welcome to 'old age.'



  25. Adam: Wow, you can now join our ranks! You can be a day late and people won't even care since you are 'old'. However, I do remember when you were born. We were living in Arizona and I was expecting Nickolee. I remember your mom saying how big you were. I remember your dad driving out to Utah with all of you kids in the van and driving straight through. I remember how difficult it was for you kids to watch your dad grow weaker. But most of all I remember how you found Holly and that is the best thing that happened to you! Horray for her! You two are great. Daina

    To Adam, a treasured nephew, creator of my website , and one of my favorite people: Hey, it won't be too long before I am 30x2, so in my eyes you're still a kid. Daina and I think the world of you and Holly. Adam, you have so many outstanding traits now, by the time you reach my age , life will be twice as good as it is now---try to think of it that way. Happy birthday and thanks again for all the nice things you've done. Ron
